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EMustru: Install

  1. Unzip the distribution to the installation directory -- typically this would be a directory under htdocs on your Web server
  2. Open a browser session with the URL of the installation directory

Installation Screen


  1. The MySQL and Java directories must be specified in Linux -- e.g. "/usr/local/mysql" and "/usr/local/jre". The MySQL directory must point to a directory that contains a bin sub-directory which should contain mysqlimport . Similarly, the Java directory should point to a directory that contains a bin sub-directory with the java executable.
  2. In most cases the generated temporary config.php and config.prp will not be copied to the installation directory due to permissions. These two files may need to be manually copied from the /tmp/emustru directory to the installation directory.
  3. Check the /tmp/emustru/emustru.log file for installation errors.


  1. Check the emustru.log file in the TEMP directory C:/WINNT/TEMP or C:/WINDOWS/TEMP for installation errors.

Using EMustru

  1. Create an account using the screen below and logon.
  2. Choose a function from the home page and start a quiz.

Create Account Screen

Home Page Screen


  1. If the install fails, check the emustru.log file for errors. The log file should be located in the temp directory (C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/emustru or /tmp/emustru).

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